About Me

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Hey, I'm Zachary London, an aspiring filmmaker, sports journalist, political journalist, or anything I can do myself. I love the rush creativity gives me, and anything I can do to further my creative process interest me. Follow me as I grow in my creative journey, strengthening my skills, and learning as I go.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Music Marketing

    Hey! Welcome back to "London Lays it Out"! I am currently working on a large project encompassing the many aspects of marketing in music and, today, I will be detailing my research that went into this project.

     My group was tasked to delve into Country Music, a genre the four of us knew little about. We started by picking two country labels and researching two artists under their media umbrella. I chose up-and-comer Jelly Roll, represented by Broken Bow Records, to be the focus of my research. I selected the artist because I had heard his songs on the radio and was interested in his preachy performance style. Sufficed to say that wasn't the only thing Jelly Roll had to offer.

    First, I had to research the history of the label. I surfed their website and went to their all about me page. I found the necessary info and marked it down on my paper. Next, I needed a brief history of Jelly Roll, and there was a lot to condense. I searched the web and found articles about his early life on biographical websites and all the modern drama he's caught up in from pop culture sites. I wrote what I found and moved to the next section: His brand identity and target audience. Jelly Roll's target audience and identity aren't exactly "hidden".  Through his social media, I was able to find he preaches about redemption through religion, a theme the young male adults (especially white) respond too. From there, I covered his digital marketing and distribution. I visited his website, streaming service platforms, and youtube to take note of his music videos. I found a common theme of revival through religion, and noted it in my research. Finally, I had to look at his non-digital marketing. For this, I took an interest in his vinyls. Covered in ornate flowers and gold plating, they're indicative of the man behind them, one marked renewed and holy by his journey, inspiring others to do the same.

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 Me on camera? Preposterous!  (This joke is in reference to my history of on camera presence :) ) The CCR presents a pretty unique way of an...