I've just had a group meeting with some of my classmates to check their progress, and I'm here to report back on where they're at. I've linked each of their blogs for you to look at.
Lucia- Lucia is making a horror film opening with a partner. She was confident of her choices and had most of her story about a missing person named Amber solidified. She was definitely one of the more active members of our group and asked meaningful questions to the rest of us that helped us develop our productions. I helped her develop auditory motiff with a specific horror sound. She wanted to have a foggy, mysterious vibe and plans to film early in the morning.
Elke- Elke is making a coming-of-age open. She is debating on a 2000's 2000s-era vibe or a more modern take. She wants to have shots during school, so I advised her that if she were to shoot in school, she would see people on their phones and would therefore be better off making her production modern. Elke was also struggling with how to make dialogue not sound so cringy like teen movies often are. She reasoned that having a group of her friends with her when she was writing would inspire her dialogue, and the table loved that idea.
Sarah- Sarah is doing an ambitious apocalypse opening. She wants to begin her film with a news broadcast telling of a zombie outbreak, followed by a character running away from zombies. I advised her to have most of the broadcast be the news broadcast, creating more suspense for the audience. A big issue for her was trying to find space for credits, and the table advised her in a few different ways. We suggested maybe during the news broadcast on screen, in empty spaces while a character watches the news, or maybe while a character is running from zombies. She noted our ideas and will try some out to see what works best.
Gigi- Gigi is creating a horror/mystery open with a doctor as the star. She has the most thought out open of all of us with a developed character and a good central idea. She wants the doctor to keep sickly patients alive for monetary gain. She got the idea from Gypsy Rose. Gigi is going to feature a jar of marbles as a representation of the doctor's insanity, an idea we all loved. Her biggest issue is finind a willing actor as she as an older man in mind. She is currently asking her friends if their dads can act.