Hello again! I have just completed my second project for my media studies class, and I'm excited to share my thoughts.
In my second project, I was assigned a random word to create a linear minute to a minute and a half-long film with a partner. The story had to take place within the time frame and could not have any dialogue. My partner and I were assigned the word "hateful", and we immediately thought of a bully who enjoys picking on others, someone who was hateful at heart. We wanted to incorporate a lot of close-up shots to establish emotion and incorporate some POV shots so the viewers could see themselves in the character. Our storyboard helped us visualize this and expedited our process to the point where we already knew what shots our film had.
For post-production, we used Adobe Premiere Pro for our line edit and color grade, and Adobe Audition for certain auditory elements. I liked our color grade as I feel it added to the story, accentuating the dark vibe we were attempting to portray. I also liked our use of sound, as it built up our narrative of hate, however, I do feel the timing and flow could've been a bit better on music and sound effects. I would've also liked to fix some of our shot composition, as I feel our storyboard didn't entirely transfer to filming, and our film suffered because of it.
Overall, I think we did a good job of portraying a hateful person, and our edit helps push that narrative. While there were some aspects like the flow of the audio and shot composition I hoped could be a bit better, I am happy with my final product and enjoyed making it, and hope you enjoy watching!
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