About Me

- London
- Hey, I'm Zachary London, an aspiring filmmaker, sports journalist, political journalist, or anything I can do myself. I love the rush creativity gives me, and anything I can do to further my creative process interest me. Follow me as I grow in my creative journey, strengthening my skills, and learning as I go.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Music Marketing
Hey! Welcome back to "London Lays it Out"! I am currently working on a large project encompassing the many aspects of marketing in music and, today, I will be detailing my research that went into this project.
My group was tasked to delve into Country Music, a genre the four of us knew little about. We started by picking two country labels and researching two artists under their media umbrella. I chose up-and-comer Jelly Roll, represented by Broken Bow Records, to be the focus of my research. I selected the artist because I had heard his songs on the radio and was interested in his preachy performance style. Sufficed to say that wasn't the only thing Jelly Roll had to offer.
First, I had to research the history of the label. I surfed their website and went to their all about me page. I found the necessary info and marked it down on my paper. Next, I needed a brief history of Jelly Roll, and there was a lot to condense. I searched the web and found articles about his early life on biographical websites and all the modern drama he's caught up in from pop culture sites. I wrote what I found and moved to the next section: His brand identity and target audience. Jelly Roll's target audience and identity aren't exactly "hidden". Through his social media, I was able to find he preaches about redemption through religion, a theme the young male adults (especially white) respond too. From there, I covered his digital marketing and distribution. I visited his website, streaming service platforms, and youtube to take note of his music videos. I found a common theme of revival through religion, and noted it in my research. Finally, I had to look at his non-digital marketing. For this, I took an interest in his vinyls. Covered in ornate flowers and gold plating, they're indicative of the man behind them, one marked renewed and holy by his journey, inspiring others to do the same.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
The Maturity of Adolescence
The Maturity of Adolescence
Growing up, all we want to see on the screen is a character that acted like us, talked like us, screwed up like us, and lived like us. I'm at the point in my life where I can't see myself in kids' movies anymore, but the adult world feels too large and scary to conquer. At 16, going on 17, I feel there's no better genre for me to research than the teen comedy, a mirage of adolescent mistakes coated in hilarity and issues that only a younger audience could relate to. So let's take a deep dive into the vibrant, colorless world of teen comedy.
Between the ages of 13 and 19, humans grow the most in their lives. Exiting out of those awkward tween years where you know you're not a kid anymore, but you can't help but long for the days when you'd play with dolls and go to recess with friends. In these years, you get a unique opportunity to explore who you are without major repercussions. You can explore new identities, make mistakes, and meet new people. In the mid-'80s, the genre experienced a flurry of new ideas that were able to perfectly capture the teenage experience. Through the strong themes of aimlessness, rebellion, resentment, and angst, these films just "got" teenagers. But what specifically made these films so classically relatable and timeless? For that, we have to take a look at the:
Superbad (2007) is a coming-of-age story about 2 friends navigating their last weeks of high school. The two main characters, Evan and Seth, are inseparable, but faced with the impending doom graduation, they lash out and attempt to fill their lives with superficial things like parties and flings. By the end, they realize that their friendship is what means most to them, and find solace in knowing they'll have each other to rely on for life. The pair are the quintessential "losers" of high school. They don't have many friends, they don't go to parties, and they haven't had girlfriends by 18. The character's arcs subvert the genre by building up a story where the audience thinks our characters will accomplish these goals, but instead, we find them choosing their friendship over what they had thought was all they wanted. The film is lit with warm colors, but when the characters face a more serious situation, they're lit in a harsher blue tone. The film includes popular songs that match well with the time, and fit into the party atmosphere of some of the story. The film was marketed to the age group of teens and young adults who saw the trailer as something they could relate to. The awkward position of the characters on the poster and the minimalist design help develop this idea.
Friday, October 18, 2024
Representation in Media
Hello again! Today, I will be discussing representation in one of my favorite shows, Brooklyn-99. Brooklyn-99 is a show that stretched 8 long seasons from 2013 until 2021. The time in which it premiered saw many different social movements rise and enter the public sphere like the #metoo movement, the Black Lives Matter movement twice, and the Obergerfell v. Hodges decision, legalizing gay marriage in the United States in 2015. As a show with a tremendous public following, and one covering the always divisive topic of the American law enforcement system, it did its best to represent different groups in its cast of characters and the stories it told.
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Sound Scape
Hello again! I have just completed my third project for my media studies class, and I'm excited to share my thoughts.
Monday, September 30, 2024
One Word Film
Hello again! I have just completed my second project for my media studies class, and I'm excited to share my thoughts.
In my second project, I was assigned a random word to create a linear minute to a minute and a half-long film with a partner. The story had to take place within the time frame and could not have any dialogue. My partner and I were assigned the word "hateful", and we immediately thought of a bully who enjoys picking on others, someone who was hateful at heart. We wanted to incorporate a lot of close-up shots to establish emotion and incorporate some POV shots so the viewers could see themselves in the character. Our storyboard helped us visualize this and expedited our process to the point where we already knew what shots our film had.
For post-production, we used Adobe Premiere Pro for our line edit and color grade, and Adobe Audition for certain auditory elements. I liked our color grade as I feel it added to the story, accentuating the dark vibe we were attempting to portray. I also liked our use of sound, as it built up our narrative of hate, however, I do feel the timing and flow could've been a bit better on music and sound effects. I would've also liked to fix some of our shot composition, as I feel our storyboard didn't entirely transfer to filming, and our film suffered because of it.
Overall, I think we did a good job of portraying a hateful person, and our edit helps push that narrative. While there were some aspects like the flow of the audio and shot composition I hoped could be a bit better, I am happy with my final product and enjoyed making it, and hope you enjoy watching!
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
My First Project
Hello again! I’m here to update you all on my first project in my Media Studies class. I was tasked to create a visual story with a partner by taking 15 still images. We wanted to show the nature of humanity in something non-human. We posed books as rivals, one old one new, battling for attention. We wanted to mislead the audience by portraying one of our books as evil, but in the end, the “evil” book helps the old one, demonstrating that, although humanity may appear dark and dangerous at times, at our core we are in species that help one another. I liked that we reflected on human nature in our story, as that’s the type of tale I love to tell, however, my color grading on the images was a bit off. I would’ve like to spend a bit more time working out the kinks of the images to create the best picture I could. If you would like to see the project, check the images below
See See Are
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